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How To Unlock Memory Card Password Using Password Unlocker Tool

Today everybody has their own mobiles and so many another devices,that uses memory cards for storage purpose.Almost all handsets supports micro card by which you can store videos,pics,audio and many more data of any kind.Memory card is very portable storage device by which we can easily more data from one place to another.But sometimes we set password for some security reasons or to prevent from unauthorized access.But unfortunately sometimes we lost or forgot password then it became very panic.Now micro card are widely used for digital storage.In my previous post I’ve show you that how to unlock Android phone but now i will show you how to unlock memory card password easily.

But now no need to worry because in this post I am gonna show you how one can unlock memory card password easily.For better know how to unlock memory card password must read this post carefully and have fun.Today there are in tech market Micro card supported camera’s are also available that is flash drive secure.So you can easily set password to flash drive from your PC or via your mobile set

When you root your flash drive to any another handset then it will ask for password but if you loose password then you may be lost your important data and cause big trouble to you.Read how to unlock memory card password easily.It is really very simple and easy to do unlock your memory card password,here we go to know how to unlock memory card password.Read below mentioned instructions and unlock your forgot or lost password.

How To Unlock Memory Card Password:

I show you four ways to unlock memory cards passwords, ways are mentioned below :

1st Method for Micro SD :

Just put your micro card in N-95 or  in Nokia E-Series mobile and simply format it,then it will not ask for password again.

2nd Method For Symbian Handsets:

  1. You just need to download X-Plore.
  2. Now install it.after get installed open it and press digit zero(0),make sure that you’ve marked “show system files”.
  3.  By following above mentioned instructions now go to C:/Sys/Data/Mmcstore
  4. To set Hex viewer  press option ’3′ if you’ve get found above mentioned path.
  5. Now in third field you’ll see code as:! TMSD02G (c ??”? x???3?3?3?3?3) , the digits between “?” is password that is “33333″.

3rd method for Symbian Handsets:

  1. Here you need to download FExplorer and install it to run.
  2. Just go for find path “C:system” and open it.
  3. you will find a file named as “mmcstore”.
  4. Just open it with the help of notepad .
  5. You will find your password here in text file.

4th Method :

  1. Just go on your mobile’s file manager and in setting option select “System folder”.
  2. Now find file named as”mmcstore” in system folder .
  3. Now send this file on your PC via Bluetooth and open this file in notepad.
  4. There you will see password with that file that can help you to unlock your memory card.
  5. All done...
So this is about How to unlock memory card password and Hope you get find your lost or forgotten passwords,if not then you can tell us by commenting  here below,try to send your feedback and share your thoughts with us.

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