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Top 10 Ways to Optimize Your Business YouTube Channel

Optimize Your Business YouTube Channel

More than 70 percent of B2C and B2B companies are investing in video marketing this year, and YouTube is fast-becoming the silver screen of the world wide web. It’s an essential network for getting in front of the right viewers.

Google’s video platform has seemingly endless reach, garnering more than 800 million unique visitors each month. At the same time, Americans are increasingly eager to subscribe to their favorite Channels so they don’t miss a single video. It’s important to have a video marketing strategy that powers consistent updates for eager viewers! There are a number of steps you can take to ensure your brand Channel is easily discovered and ridiculously engaging.

In our latest infographic, Brafton outlines the top 10 ways you can optimize your business YouTube Channel. Check out our related blog post and our video marketing white paper for more insights.

Brafton's Infographic:

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