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Importance of Data Recovery and Backup in Protecting your Business

Importance of Data Backup and Recovery

A backup is a representative copy of data at a specific time. The phrase "backup and recovery" usually refers to the transfer of copied files from one location to another, along with the various operations performed on those files.

A good backup strategy is essential for data security. Backup is the last defense against data loss, providing a way to restore original data. It has the following advantages:
  • Protecting you in the event of hardware failure, accidental deletions or disaster;
  • Protecting you against unauthorised changes made by an intruder;
  • Providing you with a history of an intruder's activities by looking through archived, older backups.

Steps for Backup and Recovery

Backup and Recovery consists of a cycle of iterative activities and processes that require ongoing monitoring and control. The process is given below:

Data Recovery and Backup

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