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5 Writing Tips to Write Efficiently from Stephen King

Whether you are a blogger or a book writer, you want to write interesting and catchy content. Every author has their own secret of success, their own sources of inspiration, their personal tricks to attract and hold their readers. Even essay writers can share some exclusive tricks with you concerning what a really perfect essay should look like.It is difficult to give advice, as what may work out for one of us could be completely worthless to another. Anyway, when it comes to such writing gurus as Stephen King, it’s difficult to ignore his advice concerning effective writing, isn’t it? ___ Stephen King knows the magic of words very well, and he is a very successful writer by all means. Besides his thoughts and episodes from life, Mr. King gives quite clear advice to all newbies of writing.

5 Writing Tips to Write Efficiently from Stephen King

We are here to share King’s thoughts with you, but first of all, let’s learn and remember five main rules for every writer to follow:
  1. Write your first draft as soon as possible.
  2. Always look for new ideas.
  3. Be consistent, and write every day.
  4. Always research the work of other writers.
  5. Get rid of unnecessary details.
As you can see, there is nothing difficult here. But practice is the best master, and it seems the key to success. So, be original, hard-working, and cut all excesses off.

Here are five more secrets of Stephen King to help you write better.

1. Do not waste your time on nonsense
Many people fill their time with empty deeds, that do not lead to anything useful. Before there was watching TV there will still a lot of distractions. And now more and more technology makes it easier to be distracted than to work.
“If you’re just starting out as a writer, you could do worse than strip your television’s electric plug-wire, wrap a spike around it, and then stick it back into the wall. See what blows, and how far. Just an idea.” – Stephen King
2. Be persistent
Having failed, do not stop trying. Stephen King put all rejection letters from publishers on a nail on a wall.
“By the time I was fourteen the nail in my wall would no longer support the weight of the rejection slips impaled upon it. I replaced the nail with a spike and went on writing.” - Stephen King

After years of work, refusals became softer. Some publishers started to send some tips on texts improvements, and began to publish his works finally. And when Stephen King became famous, he could send his previously rejected works to publishers again, and no one rejected him this time.

3. Do not take the critics too seriously
There will always be people ready and willing to criticize you. So, do what you think is right, and do not play attention to any spiteful critics.
“If you write (or paint or dance or sculpt or sing, I suppose), someone will try to make you feel lousy about it, that’s all.” - Stephen King
4. Maintain and develop your form
King also talks about making all necessary tools perfect.
“It’s best to have your tools with you. If you don’t, you’re apt to find something you didn’t expect and get discouraged.” - Stephen King
As a writer, King speaks of vocabulary and grammar here. Everyone can identify what tools are needed for his work. Whether that be writing or some other form of art.

5. Think of who you write for
Try to imagine what the reaction of your customers will be. Will they like what you do or do you need to change anything in order to improve your work? The trick is to imagine your Ideal Reader, the one person you write to. For Stephen King, his Ideal Reader was always his wife Tabitha.
“If you know the tastes of your Ideal reader at least half as much as I know the tastes of mine, it will be not difficult for you to imagine what he will like, and what – not.” - Stephen King
Best of luck with your writing, and let the force of Great Masters of words be with you!

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