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3 Reasons to Use your Google Wallet Card

I'm sure you're wondering what good a credit card that lets you pay for things with your Google account is. Isn't it just more work to fill up your Google account with money first? The ability to have a fund-limited debit card that you can fill up with your smartphone does have some good uses.
Reasons to Use your Google Wallet Card

1. Security tool

Because your Google Wallet card is dependent on a fund-limited account, you can use it as a security buffer. If you're making a purchase from a website or a merchant that you don't completely trust, use your Google Wallet card. Signing up for a service or a subscription that might auto-bill you repeatedly without your prior authorization? Google Wallet card time! The most that can ever be charged to the card is the balance available in the Wallet account. 

2. Emergency card

Leave the Google Wallet card in your car, at your office or at another location for use as an emergency source of money. I've accidentally left my wallet at home more times than I can remember, but with a Google Wallet card in the car, I could have quickly added money to my account using the Android app and then had a Master-Card that I could use just about anywhere, no real wallet required. 

3. Debit card for the kids

The Google Wallet card can be a great option for kids who might overspend if they had a card that worked on credit, rather than one that works off a limited account balance. If the youngster needs to purchase a higher priced item, a quick phone call to Mom or Dad could initiate the process to add more money to the Google Wallet account, providing a quick funding solution for just about any occasion.

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